About Lilac City Legal Technician Services

Spokane Family Law Legal Technician

Family law matters are always tough to deal with. Whether you're in Spokane or elsewhere in Eastern Washington, Lilac City Legal Technician Services can help. With a professional, experienced and proven track record, I can help guide you through the litigation process and help you achieve the best possible ...


As a legal technician, I can advise and assist you of your rights and responsibilities in:
Divorce or legal separation (including temporary orders);  Establishing a Parenting Plan  Child Support (establishing and modifying) Modifying a Parenting Plan (Minor Modifications and Major with restrictions) Domestic Violence ...


Family Law Legal Technician Services

Family Law Legal Technician Services

Divorce & Legal Separations

A legal separation is a court decree that specifies the couple's rights and obligations while they are still married but living apart, as …
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Minor Parenting Plan Modifications

A minor parenting plan amendment is one that doesn't call for major changes to the initial parenting arrangement. Minor adjustments will …
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Child Support Modification

Based on the noncustodial parent's current income, modifications are made. The court may increase the amount of child support you are …
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  • By appointment only
  • Family-owned
  • Female-owned
  • Debit & Credit cards accepted
  • Weekend Appointments
  • Evening Appointments


I could not have gotten through the hardest season of my life without Andren. Filing for a divorce was a massive mountain in front of me that she...  Read more
Jun 7, 2023
Emilee Coblentz
Andren is hands down the greatest legal technician. She helped me file custody paperwork. The process was seamless, she was with me every step of...  Read more
Feb 25, 2023
Jaymi W.P.

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